As you are aware, Government recognises the media as rendering an essential service of informing, sensitising and educating the public on the COVID-19 pandemic.


The Media Council of Uganda yesterday started issuing press tags to journalists whose editors sent in their particulars as earlier requested. The tag is to be used for identification purposes during coverage of COVID-19 in the field. However, it is not required during the joint daily security briefings at the Uganda Media Centre. Attached is the sample tag with its features explained.


This is to request the print and digital media to carry it on their platforms and TV stations to display it to the public. You are also requested to forward it to your other platforms, including WhatsApp, Twitter and Facebook. The purpose is to guard against forgery of the press tag and to minimise interruptions of journalists by security personnel.
For any enquiry or clarification, please, call Mr Paulo Ekochu, Chairman of the Media Council of Uganda on 0772 711711 or 0700711711 or the Secretary to the Media Council, Mr Kyetume Kasanga on 0772 516456.~